Our Focus

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C-IMPACT is focused on breaking down the siloes that reduce the efficacy of human service systems.

Those that exist between sectors of health, social services, education, care, and public policy, as well as those that exist between likeminded organizations who too often are limited in achieving big things as they approach cross-organizational work from a competition versus collaboration model.

We fundamentally understand the dynamics that impede the type of transformative changes necessary to help all children, families, communities, and people grow. We see the world through this ecological systems lens – knowing that to improve outcomes in one area you must work in tandem across all areas. If we want young children to learn and grow, we need to be improving their early learning environments and instruction AND making sure their communities are safe, their families have economic opportunities, and all are having their physical and social-emotional needs met. And as former government, higher-education, corporate and nonprofit leaders, we know firsthand how to build bridges that create these very types of coordinated coalitions that make bigger and lasting impacts for people.

We work at the levels of:

  • Policy creation, advocacy, and implementation
  • Improved direct intervention services and programs
  • Systemic transformation – defining what needs to change and working hand-in-hand with all constituencies to enact
  • Enhanced competency of all involved that leads to better outcomes for people
  • Authentic collective impact coordination and a commitment to ecological systems
  • Research and evaluation to know what is working and why – and what to do when it’s not – and a focus on how change happens through implementation science
  • Invention – creating new solutions – from technology to models to practices – to solve entrenched problems

We focus on the intersections of disparate sectors, knowing that the typical siloes of structures is part of the problem. We see the connections and serve as amplifiers toward helping others to as well – leading to improved human service systems that benefit people – and when people are thriving, so is society.

Our ecological systems approach encourages us to work in many areas, across disciplines and fields, so long as the connective tissue is a focus on improving people’s lives. Through education. Through employment. Through healthier and happy lives – all with a commitment to affecting these changes broadly and equitably to benefit all.